Walt: Read tally charts and bar graphs and then create our own!
Task description: today we learned how to make our own tally chart
Friday, 24 February 2017
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
The Race
Have you ever written about having a race before in the morning? Well it pretty much goes like this Mr Goodwin told that we are going to do a pretty lame quick experiment. I am like “What that’s boring to do” .
Mr Goodwin told us to put away our Chromebook on a table.Next Mr Goodwin told us to put our shoes on and line up in two line’s outside the classroom. So then Mr Goodwin and us walked to the field and I am like “ what so thought for a second said to myself this is the lamest experiment I have ever done in my life before” “ even my sister experiment are better than this one”.
Once we got to the field Mr Goodwin told us the instructions. Mr Goodwin said this is what you are going to do run to the gold post and run back and sit down. Pretty much i was talking to daisy but on the other side I still managed to hear the instructions . Finally he said Go!
First I laugh but I don’t know why but I was running with Amelia and Daisy.Once we reached the end of the far end gold post i just wanted to get it done with and just go and do my work all ready. I have finally reached the end of the gold post where Mr Goodwin was.
At the end i finally did it what i think of the Lamest experiment i give it a 5 out of 10 because it was lame that is why. But over all we all know it was all just for fun anyways.
Task description : We had to write a recount what we did today in the morning .
Mr Goodwin,
Room 7,
Writing 2017
Monday, 20 February 2017
Maths 2017
Walt: Count backwards and forwards in tens, hundreds and ones confidently.
Task Description : Today we did Counting in tens, hundreds and thousands it was easy but it was fun to do anyways.
Task Description : Today we did Counting in tens, hundreds and thousands it was easy but it was fun to do anyways.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Birds that are Native
Walt: make connections across multiple texts. |
Task Description: Today i have made a presentation about birds that are Native i got to say this is fun to do in class.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Birds Identification
Walt: make connections across multiple texts.
Task Description : Toady we were learning about Birds Identification they are Native Bird's and not Native Birds
Task Description : Toady we were learning about Birds Identification they are Native Bird's and not Native Birds
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Maths 2017 Subtracting 10s to 1's to 1000
Walt: Understand part-whole subtraction with 2 and 3 digit numbers
Task description : Today in class we have learned about Subtracting 10s to 1's to 1000 i got to say i was kinda hard but i try my best to finish of my work so it was fun for me to do
Newspaper Tower Writing 2017
Walt: write a recount about our experience.

Task description : So today we are writing about New's paper Tower and it was fun to do a lot .
Have you ever seen a Newspaper Tower before? Well i have not. My teacher might do something weird or crazy. But today our lesson was to make the tallest Newspaper Tower. I am going to say that it’s going to be hard at the first start.
It was a normal Monday at school,but anyways i came into class and my teacher Mr Goodwin told that we were making News Paper Tower. So i am like “What” so anyways on second thought i am like i pretty much like what we are doing for the morning. So then Mr Goodwin give all of the intrusions to us like stand up and make a group of 4 to 5 or more people in your group and like you need Newspaper,tape,scissors and Teamwork mostly important.
When M Goodwin got the piece of paper he looked around to see who was sitting up in there group and it was my group in the back. So we got a piece of paper and a pencil from Mr Goodwin we started planning and our group didn't do that well at planning. but anyways no one wanted to talk so we finally got something to plan.I got to say that Kalita was the quietest out of all of the group.
Will me and my group started to build and we quit didn't know what to do. So then Chastity came up with an idea until time was RUNNING OUT. Kidney enough Mr Goodwin gave us more time to build so i build-ed one and i stuff little ball of paper inside of it .
Mr Goodwin announce the winner and we came 2nd out of all i was happy for my team.I learned i lot of things about learning this i learned Team Work and first time doing it . The next time i do this i really rather i want to do it by myself just for fun.

Task description : So today we are writing about New's paper Tower and it was fun to do a lot .
Mr Goodwin,
Newspaper Tower,
Room 7,
Writing 2017
Monday, 13 February 2017
Maths 2017
Walt: Understand part-whole subtraction with 2 and 3 digit numbers |
Task description : Today we have learned part-whole subtraction in maths class it was fun
Friday, 10 February 2017
Te Taiao O Tamaki
Walt: make connections across multiple texts.
I am so excited for Te Taiao O Tamaki because that mean's that i can learn new thing's in Te Taiao O Tamaki and the Native Tree's are important Tamaki because that is part of Mother Nature and it give's color to the world.
Task Deception: We are learning about Te Taiao O Tamaki and why we are exited to learn about.
I am so excited for Te Taiao O Tamaki because that mean's that i can learn new thing's in Te Taiao O Tamaki and the Native Tree's are important Tamaki because that is part of Mother Nature and it give's color to the world.
Maui and the Sun
Walt: This is my Story about Maui and the Sun
Task description: This is my story about Maui and the sun and i am going to draw it for Hyperstudio for Term 1 2017
Task description: This is my story about Maui and the sun and i am going to draw it for Hyperstudio for Term 1 2017
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Math's Addition Problem Solving Week 2, Term 1
WALT: Math's
Task description : To break the the ten's and one's to find out what number it add's it up too. to be honest it was very easy for me too.
Task description : To break the the ten's and one's to find out what number it add's it up too. to be honest it was very easy for me too.
Chicken Flavored Worm’s
WALT: write quality introductions.
Has your Teacher feed you Chicken Flavored Worm’s before? Is your teacher crazy like our’s teacher we'll find out what happens next? If you want to try this the recipe is down below
Introduction Rubric
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My introduction is boring.
It is difficult to read.
My introduction is easy to read and has some interest for my audience.
My audience is hooked into my subject, it grabs their interest so they feel like they want to read more.
When someone reads my introduction they are left feeling intrigued. They can't wait to read more.
My introduction does not tell the reader what my writing is going to be about.
My audience has some idea about what I am writing about.
My audience is clear what I am writing about.
My introduction lets the reader know the direction and purpose of my writing.
Task Description: In this lesson we did a writing experiment to do with eating chicken flavored noodles ,and pretending it was worm's.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Maths 2017
Task description: today i learned to do Hundreds, Tens and Ones with Materials in Math's class it was easy for me.
Friday, 3 February 2017
Reading 2017
Task Description: This Presentation is all about Ipads and what Ipads can be used for.
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