W.A.L.T - Do your Lucky Last Post for Term 1 School Holidays
Task Description : This will Be my Last Post for Term 1 School Holidays and i really hope you guys enjoyed this presentation and i would like to say a big Thank - you to all the girls that maded Storys , Presentation and many other things with me in the school holidays and Thank you to all the Reader's who have cheeked out my Blog and have a nice day with your Family and Friends :)
Sunday, 30 April 2017
My Second to Last Post for Term 1 SchoolHoildays
W.A.L.T - Have fun doing your second to Last Blog Post for Term 1 School Holidays.
Task Description : This will be my second to Last blog Post for Term 1 SchoolHoildays and also i have made this presentation for fun because i had nothing to do so this is what i made Dance Moms ( Girls ) Then and Now and i really hope that you have enjoyed this post about Dance Moms ( Girls ) Then and Now and hope you have enjoyed this presentation that i have made and enjoy your day with your Family and Friends. :)
Task Description : This will be my second to Last blog Post for Term 1 SchoolHoildays and also i have made this presentation for fun because i had nothing to do so this is what i made Dance Moms ( Girls ) Then and Now and i really hope that you have enjoyed this post about Dance Moms ( Girls ) Then and Now and hope you have enjoyed this presentation that i have made and enjoy your day with your Family and Friends. :)
Monday, 24 April 2017
Can u find the ....?
Task Description in the Presentation and have a nice day with your Family and Friends and STAY TUNED FOR MORE POST"S COMING SOON :)
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Pass the story
My Favoutive Photo's
Once upon a time there lived 2 girls named Lillyana, Hinerangi and a little puppy called Cloud, They were living in a place / Countrie called Los Angeles. Have you ever been to Los Angeles? Lillyana, Hinerangi and there puppy Cloud wanted to go to New York and wanted to see what they can buy with there money, The amount of money they had got was $1,000 but they had splitted it to make it even. Finally they had arrived in New York City and so the 3 of them had ran straight to a hotel stadium, surprisingly they had gotten the final hotel Room and it was full of Desert’s. So Hinerangi and Lillyana Started to look around the hotel and there was dog food for our puppy cloud but they had wanted to look around the hotel but they started to eat some dessert and feed could as they were eating. While they were eating Hinerangi had dashed off outside with cloud while Lillyana had went to the living room, But Lillyana didn’t know about that so she went out and didn’t come back until 5:30 in the morning. So Lillyana said to herself where did Hinerangi go ??? so Lillyana went outside at nighttime to see if Hinerangi was out there but Hinerangi was not outside or Inside so Lillyana was worried about losing her best friend and there puppy Cloud. While Lillyana was looking for them she had run back to the room and suddenly Hinerangi and Cloud was in bed straight to sleep, Lillyana was still confused about that and she only had 1:30 minutes to sleep, So she had crashed to sleep. So the next morning Lillyana went to Hinerangi’s room and opened the door so Lillyana said but I could not find you last night but we all know she was safe with Cloud and was happy. So they had all lived happily ever after!!!
Friday, 21 April 2017
The Fast Terrifying Beast
Task Description in the presentation have a nice day with your Family and Friends :)
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Act the Emoji Part 3
W.A.L.T - Having fun doing Part 3 Emoji's
Task Description in the Presentation Stay tuned for more Blog-post's coming and have a awesome day with your Family and Friends.
Task Description in the Presentation Stay tuned for more Blog-post's coming and have a awesome day with your Family and Friends.
3 blogger that love 2 blog
Task Description : in the presentation have a lovely day with your Family and Stay tuned for more Blog post's coming :)
Task Description : in the presentation have a lovely day with your Family and Stay tuned for more Blog post's coming :)
Pass the story with 3 Friends
WALT: Use 3 people for pass the Story:
Once upon a time 3 girls named Leilani, Lillyana and Hinerangi wanted to go to the Mall but unfortunately Leilani didn’t want to come. So Leilani stayed home and went on her laptop and watched a few movies on youtube by herself. Later on she got really bored so she said to herself let’s throw a party without them so she invited all her friends over that Lillyana and Hinerangi didn’t know about,But she still carried on. As soon as Lillyana and Hinerangi got home Leilani found out that it was time to pack up so everyone went home and Leilani felt so sick, So she went to bed and had a long sleep, Well it was a long night. The next morning Lillyana and Hinerangi knocked on Leilani’s door to ask if she wanted to come with us to have some breakfast all together.Then she was like yes please I really am hungry and I feel a bit better, So the 3 of them went to have breakfast altogether and they live happily ever after together as one big happy family, As friends.
Task Desription : Today Hinerangi shared me a doc called Pass the Story and then Leilani asked Hinerangi if she can join in and so Hinerangi shared the doc to Leilani so then we started to write and the oder was Hinerangi first me second and Leilani last so i will leave there blog link down below and do forget to leave a comment on there blog's and please leave a comment on this post because Me , Hinerangi and Leilani worked hard on this and Stay Tuned for more Post's coming in the schooldays and enjoy the rest of the day with your family :) Thanks for all the Reader's who have cheek out my blog thx alot
Hinerangi's Blog - http://peshinerangir.blogspot.co.nz/
Leilani 's Blog - http://pesleilanip.blogspot.co.nz/
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Our Qoutes
Task Description : Today I have asked leilani if she wanted to do a presentation and she said yes so i had said to her "what is it About " so i had think i said Quotes so then we made a presentation and sended and once we finish we had posted it and Leilani 's Blog link down below and leave a comment on her's and please leave a comment on this post please cause me and Leilani worked hard on this and we wrote our own Quotes for all you's read's who read this post and Stay Tuned for more blog post's coming in the school holidays and do not forget that Enjoy the rest of the day with your Family and friends :)
Leilani 's Blog = http://pesleilanip.blogspot.co.nz/
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Bff's Photo's
Task Description : Today Me and Jahzara and Amelia made a post called Bff's Photo's and Jahzara had maded this Presentation and shared it to me and Amelia and we just took selfies in the night and it was so cool that i just want ed to do a part to and do not forget i will leave Jahazara 's and Amelia 's Blog down below and cheek that out and please leave a comment on this post because Me and Jahzara and Amelia worked hard on this blog post and please feel free to leave a comment on this post and inenjoy your rest of your day with your Family and Friends :)
Jahzara 's Blog = http://pesjahzaraw.blogspot.co.nz/
Amelia 's Blog = http://pesameliah.blogspot.co.nz/
Our Favourtive County's and Islands
Task Description in the presentation :) Enjoy your rest of the School Holidays with your Family and Friends. :)
Monday, 17 April 2017
Acting the Emoji Part 2
Last night Lillyana , Jahzara and Amelia did a presentation about acting the emoji. Amelia said that she wanted to do do another presentation about Emoji ‘s so she asked Lillyana and Jahzara, we said yes so we called it Acting the Emoji Part 2 and yes we have did part 1 if you have not checked it out we will leave a link down below but anyways try this out with your Family and Friends and Stay tuned for more blog posts coming. Please Leave a Comment on this Presentation that Lillyana, Jahzara and Amelia. We have worked on this so hard so have a great day with your Family :)
Jahzara’s Blog = http://pesjahzaraw.blogspot.co.nz/2017/04/act-emoji.html
Lillyana ‘s Blog = http://peslillyanag.blogspot.co.nz/2017/04/act-emoji.html
Amelia ‘s Blog = http://pesameliah.blogspot.co.nz/
BYE !!Word Spelling Backwards Challenge
Last Night Jahzara and lillyana made a Presentation about a Challenge here how it goes like this first you think of a word and spell it backwards and that is lillyana and Jahzara’s challenge to all you Readers and have a try at this game with your friends and family and hope you have enjoyed this post and stay tuned for more post’s coming and enjoy your rest of your day with your awesome Family please Leave a Comment on this post because we really worked hard on this :)
Jahzara ‘s Blog http://pesjahzaraw.blogspot.co.nz/
Lillyana ‘s Blog http://peslillyanag.blogspot.co.nz/
Sunday, 16 April 2017
What We Like to Bake
Task description :
this is our what we like to bake and here is lots of things that we like to bake in the kitchen we really hope that you have enjoyed this presentation that Lillyana and Jahzara have made for you and stay tuned for more post's coming and have a lovely day with your family.
Act the Emoji Part 1
Task Desription : Today Lillyana and Jahzara had made Act the emoji and it is really fun to do so you should really try this out and please leave a comment on this post because Lillyana and jahzara has worked on this so hard and hoped you in enjoyed this post and stay tuned for more blog post's coming have a wonderful day .
What We Both Like
Task description : this a Presentation that Lillyana and Jahzara made together and we i really hope that you have enjoy that and please feel free to leave a comment on this post that Jahzara and Lillyana have made and stay tuned for more Blog post's coming this School holidays . Have a great day with your Family Reader's
Eating my Long Easter rabbit
Task Desription : Today is Easter so i have showed you Eating My long Easter rabbit and it was chocolate for me so i would not eat it all at once but i hope you enjoy this post and please leave a comment on this post and stay tune of more blog Post's i will post more.
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Task Description : So i asked Jahzara if she wanted to make a Presentation with me and she asked about what and i said talking all night and she said yeah so we took selfie's for yous to look at and some of them are so funny to look at and hop you enjoyed it please leave a comment
What we did tonight
Task Prescription : so this is what me and my family did Tonight and i have showed you what we did and i really hope you in-enjoyed what i have posted on my blog and also stay tuned for more post's that i will be posting .
Best friends Selfie Hanging out
This is me and Jahzara hanging out in the night
task description : me and Jahzara took a selfie together in the night for fun pluswe were hanging out in the night so hope you enjoyed this blog post about me and Jahzara hanging out Jahzara's blog down below and please leave a comment on this and stay tuned for more blog post's
Jahzara Blog
How Me and ?? become Friends
How me and Jahzara become friends in school Task description in the Presentation.
My Favourtive things
Task Desription : i have showed you what my Favourtive things to do and hope you enjoyed this post hope you please leave a comment on this post and stay tuned for more blog post's in the school hoildays
Going with my Aunty
Today i went to my Nana’s house to see what she was doing. Until my Aunty took me to the shop and said “ what do you want to buy"my aunty asked me and i said "these two please Aunty" and she said okay so she had buyed the things things i wanted and i said "Thank you Aunty for taking me to the shop cause i really appreciate what you have done".I have picked what i have wanted and it was 2 key-chains and one was an blue penguin with a black ribbon on it and the other one was an white flashlight so that is what i have picked in the shop.

Blue Penguin With Black Ribbon :)

White Flashlight :)
Task desription : i have showed what i got from my aunty when she had took me to the shop and when i went to my nana's house i really hope you in enjoyed this and please leave a comment on this thx alot
Blue Penguin With Black Ribbon :)
White Flashlight :)
Task desription : i have showed what i got from my aunty when she had took me to the shop and when i went to my nana's house i really hope you in enjoyed this and please leave a comment on this thx alot
Anzac Presentation
W.A.L.T Do a Presentation about Anzac
Task Description : So me and Amelia made an Anzac Day Presentation about Anzac because i had nothing to do so i asked Amelia and she said yes but i asked her what is it about and she said maybe Anzac and i asked okay so this is our finished Anzac Day Presentation we have done together and feel free to leave a comment :)
Friday, 14 April 2017
Happy Easter Everyone #2017
W.A.L.T : Create a Presentation about Happy Easter.
Task Description : So have done an Happy Easter Everyone Presentation scene it is Easter on Sunday the 16th of April and Happy School Holidays because in our school have 2 weeks off of school . Also Happy Easter to Everyone and blessed for Easter . So i really hope you feel free to leave me a comment on my blog and hope you have in enjoyed my Happy Easter Everyone Presentation.
Task Description : So have done an Happy Easter Everyone Presentation scene it is Easter on Sunday the 16th of April and Happy School Holidays because in our school have 2 weeks off of school . Also Happy Easter to Everyone and blessed for Easter . So i really hope you feel free to leave me a comment on my blog and hope you have in enjoyed my Happy Easter Everyone Presentation.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
My Last Post for Term 1 GoodBye Highlights
Task Description : Room 7 did our Goodbye and Highlights and this is my one and i really hope you have in enjoyed my one
Estuaries - Reading 2017
Walt: synthesise information from across multiple texts.
Task desription : This week Room 7 had been learning about Estuaries and what is it and living and also Tamaki River we are learning new things for the week but it was fun to do and we have read about it for our activey.
Task desription : This week Room 7 had been learning about Estuaries and what is it and living and also Tamaki River we are learning new things for the week but it was fun to do and we have read about it for our activey.
Friday, 7 April 2017
Walt: write narrative using descriptive language.
INTRO: On a sunny Thursday Mrs Stickland was our teacher. But she had a package in the bucket that no knew what was it it was scary cause what happened if we ate bugs they are alive . I think it was something that had to be a surprise for the whole class.
Mrs Stickland started to pour some crickets on to the napkin with some chocolate flavored mud. Bethan went first so she picked one up and put it into the chocolate flavored mud and ate it and it was crunchy she said and i really don’t want to try one at all.
I will never eat crickets in my life because that are disgusting just by looking at it so i would never eat crickets for the rest of my life and never to be repeated.
Task Description : Yesterday Mrs Stickland and room 7 had eaten Insects in room 7 for our Bug experiment for all the bugs thing we have been doing past the few week's. I got to say it was surprising for me to see the bugs come out of the packet.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Decimals Week 10
Walt: Add and subtract decimals Walt: Make tidy numbers to solve addition problems |
This week Room 6 Maths learned how to do Decimals with Mrs Scanlan in class Decimals is easy because i have did it before for sure.
Task description : Room 6 maths did Decimals this week and learning how to do it and doing other stuff in maths class this week.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Food Web
Food Web,
Mr Goodwin,
Mrs Jennings,
Monday, 3 April 2017
Insect vs Spider
Walt: make connections across multiple texts.
Once a upon a time there was a insect name the Hugbug and that was the insect name but there was not just the Hugbug there was a Spider the spider’s name was the Black Assassin Spider but they both lived in the wild together but they never knew each other .……
But a few week’s ago there was a big problem there was a scorpion watching the Black Assassin Spider the Spider knew that he was in big trouble. So when the Scorpion got closer to the Black Assassin Spider the Spider started to think what he was going to do to get away from the Scorpion and not to eat him . Once the Spider think to himself he said “HELP HELP ANYONE HELP!!! “
Once again the Insect named the HugBug came to save the Black Assassin Spider held something coming his way. The Black Assassin Spider was thinking what could it be can it be a another Scorpion to eat me or something that could save my life either what count it be anyways.
Later that moment the HugBug was near the Spider and the Scorpion and he said “ i better save that Spider’s life before it get’s eaten by the Scorpion”. So the Bug went towards the Spider and Scorpion and the Bug was stronger than the Scorpion so the Bug punched , kicked , triple punch the Scorpion then the Scorpion was dead lying on the ground in the wild.
Once the Scorpion was dead lying on the ground the Black Assassin Spider said “ Thank-you for saving my life from getting eaten from and then the HugBug said “No worries”. Then the Black Assassin Spider and the HugBug said “should we have a picnic together to celebrate you saving my life today and friendship . They both lived their life happily and save towards the wild world that they are in. THE END
Task Description : Mrs Stickland told us to write a story about your Insect and Spider that you have created in class for reading time
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