
Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Sorry - Kindest Regards - Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!!!

Hey Everyone , 
I am going to spend time time with my family for just for Christmas and so on , Sorry for the late notice but yeah , I won't be posting today its a maybe tomorrow but it all depends :)
To all  God bless you and your beautiful family and jolly friends and stay safe this Christmas Holidays and have an great Christmas eve today and a great enjoyable Christmas tomorrow !!
Best Wishes / Kind Regards , 

Friday, 20 December 2019

šŸŽ„Build a Christmas Tree Game! - Christmas Special!šŸŽ„

Task Description : This task took me 2 days including today which means in a total It took me 3 days to complete my Build a Christmas Tree Game. This Idea just suddenly came into my head on the 17th of December while I was doing summer Learning Journey so After completing it all I deiced to actually make one , that took me 4 days to make and 124 slides all together! Hope you Enjoy playing my game ! This game was suppose to be released the day before Christmas , But I was feeling the Spirit so I deiced to post it now!! May God Bless you and your family and friends and hope yous all a stay safe for this Christmas holidays!! Don't forget to come back and see what new posts I post!!
šŸŽ„Only 5 More days lefted until Christmas!!šŸŽ„

Week 2 Day 3 Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020

Politics and Activism
Activity 1 & 2 and 3 
Activity 1: The Right to Vote [4 points]

Kate Sheppard was a very famous and important New Zealander. In the late 1800s, she fought for women to have the right to vote in elections. She did this by creating petitions (lists with the names of people who supported her), running public meetings, writing letters to the newspaper, and talking to politicians. As a result of her hard work, women in New Zealand (NZ) were first granted the right to vote in 1893. This made NZ the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. We call this right ā€˜womenā€™s suffrageā€™.
In honour of Kate Sheppardā€™s work, the NZ government has put her image on the current $10 note.
For this activity, letā€™s imagine that the government decides to create a new $10 bank note and replace Kate with a picture of a different New Zealand woman. On your blog, tell us who you think the government should put on the new $10 note. Please provide us with a picture of this amazing woman and a short explanation of why you have selected her as Kate Sheppardā€™s replacement.

*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!

Activity 1: The Right to Vote [4 points]
Who Did I choose? - Kate Sheppard
My Honest Opinion - To be honest I wouldn't want to replacement Kate Sheppard on the New Zealand 10 Dollars , Please keep in mind I am not trying to take short cuts or just do it because I can't think of anyone , I just wouldn't want to replace Kate Sheppard!
 Why did I still sticked with Kate Sheppard?
I sticked with Kate Sheppard because she was my favorite person on the New Zealand 10 dollar notes but not only to me she was a beautiful role model to many people in the world. As I grew up I very slowly getting to know her better and better until this day! Plus she has given all of us humans mainly the woman and she fighted why should us New Zealand Women should Vote and Why Women should vote all mainly because the only people who were only men who were actually voting rejecting us Women's and she knew it was UNFAIR !! In the year of 1885, she established the Women's Christian Balance Union and, two a long time afterward, got to be pioneer of its suffrage campaign. A few suffrage bills fizzled some time recently Modern Zealand Parliament at long last allowed ladies the proper to vote in 1893 meaning all the women got the rights to vote with the men at every election that was going happen. As Kate Sheppard was successful in New Zealand she went around world going into different countries giving all Womens rights to vote at elections! If Kate Sheppard didn't do what she did us Womens wouldn't have the chances of voting , But Thank god she did . People will never forget what she done for us Womens! 
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . My Favoutive part was writing about Kate Sheppard and why I wanted to stay with her and what she did and why.
Activity 2: The Right to an Education [4 points]
Malala Yousafzai is a woman who was born and raised in Pakistan. In 2012, she was shot and wounded when traveling home on the bus from school. At the time, girls (and women) living in Pakistan were not encouraged, or even allowed, to go to school. It is widely believed that Malala was attacked because she (and her father) did not agree with this idea and they felt that women had the right to an education.
Once Malala recovered from her injuries she continued to advocate (fight) for the rights of all women to receive an education. For this work, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 - the youngest person to ever receive this prestigious prize. You can read more of her story here.

As well as giving speeches in front of many very important and influential people, Malala has written books about her own life. She has also written a book for children called Malalaā€™s Magic Pencil.

For this activity, we would like you like you to write a short story. The story can be about anything that you wish but to receive full points it must be at least 10 sentences long!
On your blog, share your short story. We canā€™t wait to read it!
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 2: The Right to an Education [4 points]
Task Description - This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was to write an any type of story True , narrative Etc . I deiced to write an narrative story based on a Girl and mum struggling in life. I decied to write this because we need to help each other just like in my letter I wrote to Jacinda! 
Activity 3: Belle of the Ball [6 points]
Emma Watson is a movie star who started acting in films when she was just nine years old. You might recognise her as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films or ā€˜Belleā€™ from the Disney adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.

When Emma is not acting, she spends a lot of time giving speeches and advocating for the rights of women and girls. In 2014 she launched the HeForShe campaign which encourages men and boys to actively support women and girls by speaking out about gender equality - the idea that males (men) and females (women) have the same rights. Emma is also an avid reader who started her own worldwide book club!

Letā€™s imagine that Emma has just emailed you and asked for your help. She needs a recommendation for a great book for her book club. She also needs you to prepare a short review of the book to share with her readers.
For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it. On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!

Activity 3: Belle of the Ball [6 points]
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . I enjoyed this task because I got to share and give a little spoiler on whats going to happen!! I can't wait to keep on reading to find out what happens next in the story of Tom Gates Top of the Class ( Nearly )!!
Task Description: I completed another day of Summer learning Journey Week 2 Day 3 all activity  in 1 day meaning I posted 2 Summer Learning Journey Days in 1 day as well as saying that I enjoyed everything I have learnt though both days!!.God bless you and your family and friends and don't forget to stay tuned for more blog posts coming!!!

Fact of the Day - Did you know lightning strikes the Earth 6,000 times every minute?
Question of the day -What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?

Week 2 Day 2 Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020

Politics and Activism
Activity 1 & 2 and 3 
Activity 1: A Long Walk to Freedom [4 points]
Nelson Mandela was an activist and civil rights leader who was born and raised in South Africa. For over 40 years (1948-1991), the country of South Africa had a political system called ā€˜apartheidā€™. This meant that there were different rules for people who had white skin than for those who didnā€™t. Nelson Mandela felt that this was very wrong and he fought for many years to change the law. Eventually he became the President of South Africa and ended apartheid, but not before spending 27 years in prison.

In Robben Island prison (where Mandela spent 18 years), life was very tough. Mandela had a tiny, damp, concrete cell, with only a straw mat to sleep on. During the day he was forced to work in a quarry, breaking rocks into gravel. He was only allowed to see one visitor and receive one letter every six months. At night, Nelson read and studied to be a lawyer.
For this activity, please imagine that you are Mr Mandela and that you are living at Robben Island prison. You have been given a journal and each night you write in it. On your blog, write a journal entry imagining that you are Mr Mandela. What do you think he did each day? How did he feel? Include as much detail as you can in the journal entry.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 1: A Long Walk to Freedom [4 points]

Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was pretty cool because it actually felt like I was in there acting as Mr Mandela, I got to express what I did in the Journal and it was cool!!

Activity 2: School Strike for Climate [4 points]
You may have heard people talking about an issue called ā€˜Climate changeā€™. Climate change refers to an increase in the temperature of our planet. Warmer temperatures can cause natural disasters (floods, storms, droughts, bushfires, hurricanes, etc), rising sea levels, and the extinction (disappearance) of plants and animals.

Many people in New Zealand (and overseas) are worried about climate change, including Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old girl from Sweden. She believes that climate change is not only real, but that it is a ā€œcrisisā€. She is upset that adults, particularly governments and powerful people, are not taking climate change seriously. In 2018 she began protesting outside the Swedish government buildings every Friday instead of going to school. She inspired the School Strike for Climate protests and, in 2019, spoke to the United Nations about her concerns. Not everyone, however, is convinced that climate change is really happening.
For this activity, we would like you to explore the School Strike for Climate Australia website.
On your blog, list three facts (things) that you learned, and include a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Image Attribution: Rosa Parks with King 1955, Unknown, Public Domain
Activity 2: School Strike for Climate [4 points]
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun .  This task was really really cool to explore and finding out information about Climate Change. I enjoyed the part where most of the people in the world want to change our unhealthy Climate Change into a Healthy one!!

Activity 3: ā€œI Have a Dreamā€ [6 points]
Martin Luther King Jr was a Christian minister in the United States of America (USA) in the 1950s and 1960s. He spent much of his life fighting for equality (equal rights) for people of colour. At the time, there were laws that kept black and white people separated - they went to different schools, used different toilets, and even sat in different parts of a bus and ate in different areas of a restaurant. This was called ā€˜segregation.ā€™

Dr King did not agree with these laws and he led many protests against them. He was joined in his protests by many people, including an African American woman named Rosa Parks. In 1955, Rosa boarded a bus in Alabama (USA) and when the bus filled up with people, she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. You can read about this famous incident here and watch a video about Rosa Parks here.
The brave actions of people like Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks were instrumental in changing the way that African Americans (people of colour) were treated in the United States.
For this activity, please consider the problem that black men and women faced in America at this time.
On your blog, describe the problem. What did Rosa Parks do about the problem? How did other people react?
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!

                           Activity 3: Rosa Parks [6 points]
Rosa Park was born on February the 4th 1913,Tuskegee, Alabama in the United States. When Rosa park wanted to make a change in the United States of America as well as the whole world so on December the 1st of 1955 at the age of 42 years old she took the bus and even the buses separated the African people to the american people so basically they would have half of the bus!! Until a American had no where to sit because the bus was already full the bus driver told Rosa Parks rudely to "MOVE" so that kid could have her seat she calm in the first place. Rosa denied to move to give her seat to the American because it was all stupid nonsense in Rosa Parks Eyes . She was sick and tried of how the USA was treating the American people to separate the away from the African people just because of there races and colours, It just wasn't fair at all! Until the bus driver called the police on Rosa Parks for refusing to follow the laws rules that was layed out soon later Rosa parks was Asserted! But what Rosa Parks did everyone was mad because of the Laws were stupid and they shouldn't be doing that , As the angry people stood by Rosa parks the Government saw and said " We can't do this to anymore to the Americans and African people" So they made a change and everything was equal on the buses and no matter where you sit it races and colours were all sitting together on the bus. Rosa Parks made a difference and everyone will never forget what she did because its unforgettable to forget!
Task Description: This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was unforgettable to forget because of what Rosa Parks did was phenomenal , I personally enjoy this task because Rosa Parks story is just too good that I would forget about it!
Task Description: Yesss I have finally completed another day of SLJ Week 2 Day 2 All the activity Given!! I enjoyed every single part of this day and learnt loads of things and can't wait for Week 2 Day 3 to come!!! God bless you and your family and friends and don't forget to stay tuned for more blog posts coming!!!


Fact of the Day - Did you know that the 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English?
Question of the day - If you had a one food and drink to survive the whole week on what would it be?

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Week 2 Day 1 Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020

Politics and Activism
Activity 1 & 2 and 3 
Activity 1: Playing Favourites [4 points]
Barack Obama was the President of the United States of America (USA) from 2009 - 2017. He made history as the first African American person to be elected President of the USA.
Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya, Africa and his mother was American. His parents divorced when he was young and his father died in a car crash when Barack was 21 years old. As a young man Barack studied law at university which is where he met his wife, Michelle.
Together, Barack and Michelle have spent much of their adult lives helping others and giving back to their community. When they are not at work, they can be found doing their favourite things, including spending time with their family, playing with their dog, or going to the gym.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you also enjoy spending time with family? Do you have a special pet?
For this activity, create a list of your ā€˜Top 5ā€™ favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things. On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 1: Playing Favorites [4 points]

Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was pretty fun doing the activity's I choose and also finishing them in actual life!
Activity 2: Dr Jessica Rogers Maths Problem [6 points]
Image Attribution: Dr Jessica Rogers, Winston Churchill Trust. Image Source.
Dr Jessa Rogers (Metuamate) is a Aborignal Australian and a leader in indigenous education. She grew up in Queensland, Australia, and when she had a baby while she was still at school, it seemed like her education would suffer. However, Jessa not only completed her high school education, but she went on to University and completed several degrees, including a PhD which means she is called Dr Rogers!
Dr Jessa Rogers became the first school principal (and youngest Aboriginal principal in Australia) of the Cape York Girl Academy, a school in far north Queensland for young indigenous mums and their  babies.
For her work on improving indigenous education in Australia, she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award in 2010, has gone on to win many more awards and write several books.
Dr Rogers is a proud member of the Wiradjuri people, an Indigenous community in Australia, and has a strong connection to New Zealand. In fact, her husband is affiliated with two iwi in New Zealand - Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Raukawa, and he is also of Cook Island and Tahitian decent. Jessa is currently working at the University of Canberra as an assistant professor.

For this activity, we would like you to calculate Jessaā€™s age when she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. She was born on 7 April 1985 and she received the award on 9 July 2010. Please provide the answer to this question in years, months and days (eg. 20 years, 6 months and 2 days).
On your blog, please post both your final answer and an explanation of how you solved this maths problem. You could write your explanation, or use screencastify to record yourself explaining how you solved it. *Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 2: Dr Jessica Rogers Maths Problem [6 points]
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun .  This was a hard task because I only understand the age but not the months and days but here's what my answer was :)
Activity 3: ā€˜Dear Jacindaā€™ [6 points]
The Right Honorable Jacinda Ardern is the current Prime Minister (PM) of New Zealand (NZ). You might have heard of her because sheā€™s in the news a lot! Did you know that she is the second youngest person and the second woman ever to be elected PM of NZ?
As PM, Jacinda Ardern makes a number of important decisions every day. Before she makes these decisions, she meets with many people to hear their ideas and get their perspectives (views) on issues.
Letā€™s imagine you were to write a letter to Jacinda Ardern about an issue that is really important to you, and to ask her for help. It could be something serious to do with education, health or welfare, or it could be something more fun and crazy - you decide!
For this activity, please write a letter that includes the issue you have chosen, why you have chosen it, and what you would like our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to do about it. It is your job to persuade us (and her!) that itā€™s an important issue. On your blog, share your letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
Remember, you never know who might read your blog!
Activity 3: ā€˜Dear Jacindaā€™ [6 points]
IA- ( Image Attribution ) 

Dear Jacinda Arden , 
My Name is Lillyana , I'm 12 years of age and I attend Pt England School in Year 7. I am writing this letter to you about our homeless people. Our homeless people are needing all our help but some people just don't seem to care about them , we are all human beans and we all should help each other out weather we know them or not, some people judge them by there looks and races its not the way and they just keep walking without helping . Homeless people are suffering on the streets of Auckland needing a place to sleep  etc and eat they starve because there begging for money and we need to help! Even helping them homeless people in Auckland will change their lives and whatever you give to help them may be small to your eyes but huge into there's. I am addressing this letter to you because Auckland people is in need of our help anything will do.. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter!
Kind Regards , 

Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was really my favourtive because I got to write a letter the Jacinda!!
Overall Task Description : Yes I did do 2 days of SLJ in 1 day because I got bored and had nothing to do. This day was filled with happiness also I learnt loads of things !! God bless you and your family and friends and don't forget to stay tuned for more blog posts coming!!!

Fact of the Day - Did you know that the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
Question of the day - If you had a chance to bring back someone from there pass who would you bring back?

Week 1 Day 5 Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020

Sport and Exploration
Activity 1 & 2 and 3
Activity 1: National Treasure [4 points]
Sophie Pascoe is a New Zealand para-swimmer. This means she is a competitive swimmer with a physical disability. Very sadly, Sophie was run over by a lawn mower when she was only 2 years old. She had to have the bottom of her left leg amputated. However, despite this terrible accident, she was determined to become a competitive swimmer.

Sophie has won numerous New Zealand and world para-swimming titles, including nine Olympic gold medals. She has also won the Halberg Award for Disabled Sportsperson of the Year three times. Sophie is a great example of a New Zealander who did not let her disability stop her from achieving her dreams. She is truly a ā€˜National Treasureā€™. A national treasure is someone or something that is very important to a country. 

For this activity, we would like to learn more about the things that are important to you.
On your blog, please share three things that you treasure and say why they are treasures to you. SLJ - Team - Personally, I treasure an old piano because it has family history for me. My dad bought the piano when he was a teenager and played it a lot as a young man. When I was little I learnt to play on the same piano and now my daughter Laila loves to play it too! It has brought a lot of joy and music to our family.
Activity 1: National Treasure [4 points]
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task required for me a lot of thinking but I adventurously got there , I founded this task medium in the middle of hard and easy:) But I enjoyed it tho!! Enjoy it :)
Activity 2: Swimming to Safety [4 points]
Yusra Mardini is a teenage girl who was born in Syria, a war-torn country in the Middle East. She left Syria in 2015 to get away from the constant fighting and became a refugee. During
her journey to reach safety in a new country, the engine on the boat she was travelling in broke down and Yusra, her sister and two others jumped out of the boat and swam to get help. Her heroic actions saved twenty peopleā€™s lives.

Yusra now lives in Germany. In 2016 she was named as part of the Refugee Olympic Team and she swam for this team in the last summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is now training for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.
For this activity, listen to the podcast of Yusra Mardini, or read her story on her personal website.
On your blog, retell the story of this amazing young woman from Syria.
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 2: Swimming to Safety [4 points]

Task Description :  This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was so amazing because I got to learn about an amazing hero that is a Swimmer which is the beautiful Yursa Mandini , She went though a hard time but now she is a athlete for Swimming and has an very interesting background to her life and I am so bless that I got the Opportunity to learn about her !!
Image Attribution - Click on Image in the Presentation :)
Activity 3: Own Choice [6 points]
You have now made it to the end of Week 1 and have the chance to choose your very own sportsperson or explorer who you think has changed the world. There are no right or wrong choices for this activity, so find someone who interests you and tell us about them on your blog. It could be someone from your family, church, community or someone famous who you admire.
Here are some starting points in case you get stuck:
Jessica Watson
Tanielu Teleā€™a
Sachin Tendulkar
Ann Bancroft
Kelly Slater
Laura Dekker
For this activity, please choose one person (a changemaker) and read all about them.
On your blog, provide us with:
The name of the person
A description of the work they do/have done
An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 3: Own Choice [6 points]
Laura Dekker
What does Laura Decker do?

Laura Dekker is famous for sailing around the world as such a young age !! She first started sailing around the world exploring things at the age of 14 and now she is 24 and she still is sailing around the world , and visiting her family every now and then. Also she has set some records in the books of sailing too. But when she was 14 she unfortunately went missing while sailing the world but lucky she got founded Caribbean island. Till this day she had 500 days and spanning around 27,000 miles while exploring the world! Till this day she still sails!!!

                    Why is Laura Dekker
 a change maker?

In my eyes I think that Laura Dekker is a Change maker! Why do I think this? Because I my head it really doesn't matter what your age is young or old or middle age you can still achieve your goals no matter what. It really all depends on how bad you want your dream and how much determination you put into it. Laura Dekker is a great example for this because she wanted to travel the world and she did at such a young age.

Task Description :  This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was all based on Change makers I deiced to go with Laura Dekker , I enjoyed  this task because I got to learn about someone that I really didn't know about until now ! 
Image Attributions - Laura Dekker #1
Image Attribution - Sailing Man #1
Over All Task Description : Today's Summer Learning Journey was definitely a learning journey about people for sure ! I enjoyed learning new things about people I didn't get to know or study about and today I got the prefect opportunity too ! God bless you and your family and friends and don't forget to stay tuned for more blog posts coming!!!

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Week 1 Day 4 Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020

Sport and Exploration
Activity 1: Making a Racket  [4 points]
Billie Jean King, Venus Williams, and Serena Williams are three exceptional, female tennis players. They are not only outstanding athletes and some of the best tennis players in the world, but they have fought for women to be recognised as equals to men in the game of tennis. Billie Jean King famously beat a male tennis player, Bobby Riggs, in 1973, to prove to the public that women could compete at any level in tennis.

Billie Jean King was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1987, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and was recently awarded the BBC Sports Personality of the Year - Lifetime Achievement Award.

For this activity, watch these videos about Serena and Venus Williams.
On your blog, tell us three things that you learned from watching these videos, as well as one thing you would still like to know.
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 1: Making a Racket  [4 points]
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was all based on the William Sisters Venus and Serena. I know I was suppose to do three facts but this task reminded me of the Compare and Contrast but I did it like Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten but with Serena William and Venus William!!! Enjoy:)

Activity 2: Whatā€™s in a Name? [4 points]

Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest boxers of all time. He started boxing when he was 12 years old and went on to become the World Heavyweight Champion numerous times in the 1960s and 1970s.
Muhammad Ali was an African American man born with the name Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. When
he was a young man, however, he became a Muslim and converted to Islam. When he converted, he changed his name to Muhammad Ali. During his life, Ali gave a lot of time and money to various charities. He also helped to feed more than 22 million people across the world who didnā€™t have enough food. Despite all of his charitable work, Muhammad Ali is still best known for his agressive boxing style, his confident personality and his inspirational quotes.
Changing your name is a big deal! If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?
For this activity, imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would choose that name.
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
Activity 2: Whatā€™s in a Name?
Question - If I got the chance to rechoose my name and change it to something else what name would I choose? Answer - To be honest I wouldn't want to change my bit not even a single bit because I actually love my name because my name got given to me by my parents! Why do I want to keep it? My parents agreed on using and putting my name after the Lily Flower but instead that had putted 2 L's instead of 1 so that made up half of my name Lilly leaving the Ana which is the other half of my name , I got it from my half of my Mum's name so half of her name got put in my name to create my name Lillyana!!
Image Attribution - Lily Flower
Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . If you don't know me well here is a fun little background story of my name. I know I was suppose to make a new name for ourselfs but I liked and loved the way my name is and the story behind it all!!
Activity 3: Worth her Weight in Gold [6 points]
Dame Valerie Adams (half sister of basketballer, Steven Adams) is a shot put champion from New Zealand (NZ). She has won the World Championships four times as well as both gold and silver medals at the Olympics. Here, in New Zealand, she has won the Halberg Award for New Zealand Sportswoman of the Year seven consecutive times (2006-2012)! She is a bit of a legend both in NZ and in her homeland of Tonga.
Valerie Adams is a proud Tongan New Zealander. You can see her wearing a taā€™ovala in the photo. There are many Tongans living in New Zealand - you may be one of them! The Kingdom of Tonga is
a group of 169 islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is located between Fiji, Samoa and Niue. Here are some travel tips about Tonga.
For this activity, imagine that you were asked to create a travel brochure for Tonga (or a country that is important to you). On the brochure, include lots of great tips about what to see and do in the country. On your blog, post your finished copy of your brochure.
*Remember to attribute the images that you use and write the information in your own words.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!

Activity 3: Worth her Weight in Gold [6 points]

Task Description : This week I am learning about how to finish a task within a time frame as well as doing the task propley and also to have fun . This task was my Favourtive task of today because I got to create this and research about the choosen country/Island I have picked. There is a twist I did two Islands for fun and made it look like a fun little presentation game i think anyways enjoy!! 
Overall Task Description : Todays given Task was pretty cool , I learnt new things that I didn't know about from Venus and Serena William and I enjoyed it! My favourtive task had to be the Last Task because it was fullfilled with researching and more!! God bless you and your family and friends and don't forget to stay tuned for more blog posts coming!!!

Want to Take Part in the Summer Learning Journey 2019 - 2020 Click here - SLJ 2019 - 2020 when you take part of the Summer Learning Journey you get points for completeing the tasks given and commenting on other peoples blogs too . All kids from year 3 - 8 can join . Once the Summer Learning Journey Programme has come to an end they will tally up the points to see who placed #1st #2nd and #3rd and the Spot prizes :) Good Luck Everyone !!!
Fact of the Day  - Did you know a bear has 42 teeths ?
Question of the Day - If you had a chance to change one thing about the world what would it be?