This event took place in particitpation of the whole school show casing there peices of art to the whole school. Every class in every team got to showcase something of theres that they created as the part intaken theme of this term "Art Alive". Everyone was excited to see every art piece and oject incduled to art. My Favourtive, art peice was our own team, Team 5 because it was opened and had different kinds of art peices show casing the colourful bright arts. The part me and naomi enjoyed was seeing the chirstmas sprit with the christmas art and trees all around.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Art Alive Expo - WA
Friday, 20 November 2020
Pyshical Art Roation 0.4 - MSP
W.A.L.T - draw like Edvard Munch
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Curious Kids
WIth a curious set of 3 siblings to an unknown family they stared at something they caught with a glance of there eye. Peaking there heads 2 on one side and the other and the right side. There eyes widened as huge as they could hiding behind there tall curved brown narrow tree house surrounded by a set of stones in different shapes and sizes. To be countined..
Task Description:
This task was a writing task that conculded us to write a narrative story based on the given picture. This is only a short itake of my writing cause I came back from a Scienceist project.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Decimal Fractions 2
WALT: Add and subtract decimal fractions
Fractions 2.1
WALT: revise our knowledge of fractions
Friday, 13 November 2020
Physical Art Rotation 0.1
W.A.L.T - Share your art
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
The Abandoned Bridge - NW
Back in the 1904’s, in late Januray a bridge was discovered. Located in Berlin in Germany in France. Discovered in bordaylight with the moon shaped like a ‘C’ still yet in the blue and white sky. It was discovered that it had moses on it, because it was untouched, and unused bridge. Last time it was used was in the 1840s which was a long time ago. Ever since then it hasn't been used so its just there awaiting to be used rather than letting it sit like a decoration on the streets on Berlin.
Task Description:
This task conculded us as our last narravite test to compare to our writing test we took in the early time of this term. There was five choosen pictures only picking one to write a narravite about.
Kiwi Kids C3
WALT: Locate and summarise Ideas within a range of texts.
Kiwi Kids C2
WALT: Locate and summarise Ideas within a range of texts.
Kids Kids C1
WALT: Locate and summarise Ideas within a range of texts.
Monday, 9 November 2020
World Problems
W.A.L.T - Figure out the given world problems.
WALT: Use correct order of operations when solving algebraic equations - BEDMAS
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
WALT: Identify Climate Change
Task Descritpion:
This task was the create task to the last 2 posts of climate change. This was a task where we find out ways to prevent climate change and to help out with the world change.
Climate Change
WALT: Identify Climate Change
Monday, 2 November 2020
Alphabet multiplication
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
WALT: Exploring probability and review algebra
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Saving Enegry - PT
Saving Enegry - SE
Our world is lacking in saving the energy that's unused and untouched. It's a waste of energy when not used, it could be used for more useful things rather than wasting it with nothing.
One simple thing that contains three elements could really help the need of wasting energy. The element is called “ Renewable Enegry “
One of the main sets of renewable energy is the sun. Sun creates heat towards ourselves which creates energy to involve into our lifes. A way we could save energy is to set things out along the sides, getting heat and energy from the sun, like small things , solar panles , all sorts of things.
The second set of the mains is Water. Water creates many things connected to its own element and electoral appliances we use and more. A way to save water is to use it when its not used it should be off rather than to still keep it running.
Air is one of the main element that keeps us humans alive. Air creates many things as well as gets used to product air type of things. There is no way to save air because it's all around us with no way to get out.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Maths Mixture
WALT: Identify the rule for a pattern
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Water Sustainability Statment.
WALT: identify the parts of an explanation.
Without clean water on our earth we wouldn’t be able to live nor to survive. There are many ways to conclude to helping our water keep healthy and clean. There are ways to help the pollution not get to our waterways like, recycling, reusing and caring.The difference you can make is to start recycling and not littering. To start reusing your fabric bags when going shopping instead of plastic bags. Last but not least is to start caring about our water healthy check. Do you think our world is really caring more about than our polluted water than before?
Task Descritpion :
This was based on our T.I.C writing about our enviorment problem. This was our second task to write our own part of the problem about our waters.
Sustainability Water
WALT: write an introduction and conclusion for an explanation
Monday, 19 October 2020
Niuean Lanuage Week
Renewable enegry
WALT: Identify environmental problems and solution
Friday, 16 October 2020
Revision Rate
As it's the start of the new term, I was absent on the first day of school which was this document set of writing to be about, I'll do it based on the day I came on Wednesday. My thoughts based on the week would be actually cool. I think it was great that we got a revision of our line graphs that we learnt last year and are taking more steps into the subject of Alegbra. My opinon revision rate for this week would be alright just cause, I thought it would be fun which it is don't get me wrong. But coming back into level 1, felt alright, it kinda didn't make a impact as much as changes towards me but I didn't mind.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Plastic Fanstastic - CTI
WALT: Identify a world problem and come up with solutions.
Statement - WWYDI
For the first day of me being the prime minister of New Zealand I would take advantage of helping out the people in need. Considering some people in New Zealand mainly intaken in Auckland. Every day there are people living on the streets, without food to eat nor a place to sleep. I would help them take there next step into life, rather than not doing anything, providing food, a place to sleep and keeping updated with their life since the help.
Task Description:
For this take of writing peice we had to give and tell the reason why and what, we would do if we had become the prime mistier of new zealand for a day. This is my short and simple statement of what your
Monday, 21 September 2020
Taha Whanau - SLW
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Taha Tinana
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Fractions of a whole
Movie! - WIL
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Tai-Chi - TH
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Captain Cook
This task was made for our Maori Language Week Celebration. It was based on Captain Cook and his journey based on the pacfic ocean discovering the lands.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Measuring Tapa Cloth
Monday, 7 September 2020
HTLW🇹🇴 - Vaules of a Tongan Household.
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Revision D&F
Addition Pyramid Warm Up
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Persuasive Writing ( Lockdown)
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Money and Decimals
Monday, 10 August 2020
Reflect , Changes , Visualise
Friday, 31 July 2020
Myth & Legends Digtial Passport 🌎
IQ - Te Whare Tapa Wha
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Plants - ST8
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
The 'Big' Myth - VD
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Understanding Decimals
Monday, 20 July 2020
Cambodian T1 mix and match
Back to school for Term 3!! WOD
Mr Burt's topic was about his collection of hats he collected while traveling across the world. Mr Jacobson's topic was based on his british scotland qulit and story behind it. Mr Someville's topic was based on the family traidonal surname " Someville" it was carried by gentraions and held proudly by lords and knights back in a small country.
The main topic for team 1 was based on food and traveling around the world upon how we eat and travel to school and there learning based on what other countries eat and travel to school.
Moving on to the topic 2 was though team 2 was there topic " Dora the Expoler " there movie was based on Dora and her gang exploring the world along with Map and boots.
Team 3's topic was about a movie based on a tv show called " The Amazing Race " they raced acrossed the world to get the final placing to see who would win. But sadly they didn't actually get to travel around the world so they just pretendered and did " The Amazing Race ( Covid Edition ) "
Team 4's topic was based on food around the world. Ther movie was based on eating food and finding there food upon where its from.
Team's 5 topic was about a sad romance story. It was an acting part of a show based on a story called " Sina and the Eel. This story took place main based on a love story where the eel loved sina but sina didn't love the eel back. Fast forward abit the eel was following Sina everywhere he couldn't lose her. Untill sina told her family about the creepy eel and thats where the eels head got chopped off. In remeberance of the eel sina missed and loved him so she kept a coconut remebering him witht he three holes that resimbled the 2 eyes and the mouth.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Bones and Skeletons - ST7
T2 Overlook Review
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Number plate art
EF - ECRM - Book Review 2 - Ugly
EF - ECRM - Book Review 1 - Rise up
CT3 - Infographic - SA
Learning Intake : Create an info-graphic about the issue you are researching
Task Description:
This task was based on a two week drag on tasks that included 12 tasks. This task was also based on an info graphic that was suppose to set, i did a presentation infographic. This was the final create task 3 out of 3 out of all of them.
Monday, 29 June 2020
CT2 - Statsic Image - BLM
CT1 - Character Study - MA
CS Delving Deeper - T3
Task Description:
This is the last part of Delving Deeper topic tasks .This task was based on the story intake read which was based on " Stand Up New Zealand Protests " . This task was intaken on The Black Lives Matter Movement. This included a Character study which meaning we got given a character to study about and what they did based on the topic. This was a two week task with 13 tasks so this started last week in week 11 carring over to week 12 this week.
Matariki Fun Day 2020