Day 1 - New Zealand
Activity 1 , 2 ,& 3
Day 1, activity 1:
Take a photo of yourself and a special object that you would pack and take with you if you were to travel around Aotearoa and the world. A special necklace, book, soft toy, a photo, special stone or shell? Post image in a blog post, introducing yourself to your audience AND an explanation as to why you would travel with this object
Activity 1: Special Object
Task Description:
For this task I had to choose something to take with me to travel along and explore New Zealand and what it has to offer. I choosed my two Necklaces that i couldn't choose as my special necklace because it always reminded me of my parents and myself and family.
Day 1, activity 2:
Go here to NZ tourism page and pick out 3 interesting facts you learn. Re-write in your own words as a second post for today!
Activity 2: NZ Interesting Facts
Fact 1 - Most of the kiwis that live in New Zealand is mostly from the European Descent , Following behind comes in Maori then Asian and last but not Least the Non Maori Pacific Islanders.
Facts 2 - Most Kiwis have been exploring and inventing stuff ever since before Sir Ernest Rutherford 'split' the atom in the early twentieth century. Many of those developments were made literally in a backyard.
Fact 3 - Fact 3 - Many Other people that don't come to New Zealand come to new Zealand as Visitors as because what New Zealand has to offer with there beautiful views and seas that make it so beautiful as well as interesting!
Task Description :
For this task I got given a site upon some facts about our own country homeland. There were many interesting facts about New Zealand I didn't know about until now. I had to find 3 facts I found Interesting and rewrite it in my own words.
Day 1, activity 3:
Go here, your journey start here in Auckland. Watch and pick out your favourite 3 activities you’d like to do. List them on your blog with a quick explanation as to why you’d like to try them out!
Activity 3: Auckland Activitys
Task Description:
For this task I got given a video about Auckland and what you could do and what it offers! I had to write down 3 things I would do in Auckland and I really like the options I choosed!
Overall Task Description :
This was all mainly based upon Auckland and New Zealand and the things you could do in this amazing place!

🐰 Easter Head Boarder 🐰
Yes! as you can see I have done a Easter Head Border for every post I do about Easter or Easter Learning Journey! I got inspired from the Summer Learning Journey Boarder that they created and I thought I could make one for the Easter posts I do and include it every time! It has Easter Bunny's and Easter eggs on the Green Grass and with the Title " Easter Holidays Learning Journey " and I deiced to add the simple last touch was the white gimming Sparkle and it just had finished off the look!
I deiced to put names for each tasks with Task Description underneath all of them!
Overall Reflection:
I really enjoyed the first day of week 1 of the Easter Leaning Journey! I enjoyed every activity they did because from each activity I learned from it.
I might be posting more of the days to finish off Week 1! Since I just founded out today :)
I hope every stays safe and stays home to save lives. Hope everyone will have safe travels whenever going out to get supplies / food! Enjoy the rest of your day and stay tuned more blog posts!