
Friday, 31 July 2020

Myth & Legends Digtial Passport šŸŒŽ

Task Description : 
This task was intaken on our jounrey travelling around our team block on different days of the week, with different teachers, taking different topics about their choosen myth or legend. This passport was a review of what we learnt and some facts based on the topic. This took place in our inquiry topic " A world of differnce " based on our team 5 focus " Myths and Ledgends ".

IQ - Te Whare Tapa Wha

Task Description :
For our inquiry friday intake we were taking infomation from what we have done, to improve and help out the choosen te whare tapa wha we picked. This task was a review last terms topic Te Whare Tapa Wha and how we improved.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Plants - ST8

Science Topic - Plants
This weeks topic was based on Plants mainly on Leafs. We had the chance to get deeper upon how the plants grows and what it needs to stay alive. We also did a experiment upon what makes the leaves green which we did due to the pigament created inside it. This experiment inculded heaps of equiment and gas and other things. The end result was that it was incomplete and we didn't finish off the experiment.

Task Description : 
For this task we had to rewrite what happened and the learning points of the mains of what happened in our Science class in Tamaki college. This was mainly based on our experience and what we learnt.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The 'Big' Myth - VD

WALT: identify the difference between a myth and a legend.
Task Description:
This weeks task was based on reading based on our inquiry topic intake " Myths and Legends " The myths that is in the venn diagarm is the Hawiian and Maori myth intake by videos provided. This is the create task provided to infromat the learning though venn diargarm to show what is the differences and simmilarties between the Myths.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Understanding Decimals

WALT: Build Decimals Using Materials
Task Description : 
This task was based on the retake of our infomation of understanding decimals. This took place in Decimals for Mathletics and how to use and confrim how to use Decimats, while taking the lesson of understanding of decimals. Keep in mind this was 1 out of the 3 tasks meaning this was just a warm up.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Cambodian T1 mix and match

Task Description:
This task was intaken in the part of our iniury intake for this term " A world of difference " We had to learn about what each teacher in our team has set out of there different myths and ledgends around the world. This task was Mrs IIaoa's choosen myth " Cambodian Myth of Lighting , Thunder and Rain. The task was short and quick basically just mix and match the person to its gods gift given.

Back to school for Term 3!! WOD

Today was the first day back to school ready for term 3. The main subject for the theme of the schools topic towards learning is " World of Difference ".  For every term we would have a immersion assembly to celebrate the new term and new theme.

Mr Burt's topic was about his collection of hats he collected while traveling across the world. Mr Jacobson's topic was based on his british scotland qulit and story behind it. Mr Someville's topic was based on the family traidonal surname " Someville" it was carried by gentraions and held proudly by lords and knights back in a small country.

The main topic for team 1 was based on food and traveling around the world upon how we eat and travel to school and there learning based on what other countries eat and travel to school.
Moving on to the topic 2 was though team 2 was there topic " Dora the Expoler " there movie was based on Dora and her gang exploring the world along with Map and boots.

Team 3's topic was about a movie based on a tv show called " The Amazing Race " they raced acrossed the world to get the final placing to see who would win. But sadly they didn't actually get to travel around the world so they just pretendered and did " The Amazing Race ( Covid Edition ) "
Team 4's topic was based on food around the world. Ther movie was based on eating food and finding there food upon where its from.
Team's 5 topic was about a sad romance story. It was an acting part of a show based on a story called " Sina and the Eel. This story took place main based on a love story where the eel loved sina but sina didn't love the eel back. Fast forward abit the eel was following Sina everywhere he couldn't lose her. Untill sina told her family about the creepy eel and thats where the eels head got chopped off. In remeberance of the eel sina missed and loved him so she kept a coconut remebering him witht he three holes that resimbled the 2 eyes and the mouth.

Task Description :
This writing task was based on our back to school for term 3 immersion assembly. This was revised and rewirttern about the speical theme welcoming back to school.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Bones and Skeletons - ST7

Science Topic - Bones and Skeletons ( Carried on Topic )
This weeks topic was based on Bones and Skeletons. We got the chance to actually see and informat the picture of the inside bones from a skeleton figure. This task had us learning about bones and skeletions. We had to glue and lable every part of the skeletion with the scienctific name and normal name as well as got a reading set of more about skeletions and bones and how they produce.

Task Description : 
For this task we had to rewrite what happened and the learning points of the mains of what happened in our Science class in Tamaki college. This was mainly based on our experience and what we learnt.

T2 Overlook Review

Task Description:
This task was based on how we thought the term went. We had to create and design what and how we wanted to share our thoughts about term 2 in a google drawings template.  This is my final thoughts about Term 2 coming to an end  and my thoughts and goals towards Term 3 coming to a start.