
Monday, 21 September 2020

Taha Whanau - SLW

Task Description :
This task was intaken on our daily maori whare todays, one was Taha Whanau. I saying that we are celebrating sgin language week this week in new zealand. This task inculded us learning our names in sign language!!!

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Taha Tinana

Task Description :
This task is a daily task intaken on our summary of theme topic from last term. This inculded my buddy Brooklyn tag teaming the task. This took place with some exercise positions and benfits of the exercise showen.  

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Fractions of a whole

Task Desceription:
This task took upon our knowelege of fractions of a whole. As well as our knowelge of Maori knowlege intaking the words. My group was with Halasika and Brooklyn.

Movie! - WIL

Terminator Genisys': The franchise timeline, explained |
The basics of my likings is mainly action movies. The part of liking action movies is all the action happening, towards in it. I have many favourtive movies that inculde action but one of my favourtive movies of all time is the movie series " Terminator ".

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tai-Chi - TH

Task Descritption :
This task was based on our topic for this term and last term. This conculded us on todays topic about Taha Hinengaro, based on emotional wellbeing, the task was us as a class doing tai chi or yoga as one.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Captain Cook

Task Description :
This task was made for our Maori Language Week Celebration. It was based on Captain Cook and his journey based on the pacfic ocean discovering the lands.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Measuring Tapa Cloth

Task Description :
This task was based on Tongan Language Week, In celebration we decied to join the culture and maths together. In part of the combonation it took part of measuring a Tapa Cloth and creating one of our own inculding different kinds of cultures and desgins.

Monday, 7 September 2020

HTLWšŸ‡¹šŸ‡“ - Vaules of a Tongan Household.

Task Description :
This week our focus is to celebrate and share the of our beloved culture Tonga! The topic is based on " Happy Tongan Language Week" This poster takes part in telling our blog veiwers about the top 5 vaules in a tongan household.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Revision D&F

Task Description : 
This task took place in revision mainly based upon Decimals and Fractions at its base point. This task included word problems that involved addition and decimals and kilograms.It as well got order into decimals at one point and the last slide based on fractions and how? just simplification into the working out though how we got the answers. 

Addition Pyramid Warm Up

Task Description :
After a long series of getting back to learning online I have finally made it back on! This task conflicted using Additions and Decimals based on a pyramid finding the final top number. It was made for a simple warm up before going into our topic main task that has set, out for us this week to complete. 
Reminder - I will be spending this weeks time on days on finishing off tasks from the last 2 weeks and further.