W . A . L . T - Write about what you got today !!
Getting a Caught Being Good Certificate & Duffy Book !!

Today I had got Caught Being Good Certificate & Duffy Book !! at our School Assembly . First of all I was not even thinking That I would get an Certificate but I did . I was sitting next to my Friend - Losehina - I will link her Amazing blog down below anyways I was sitting next to Losehina util I heard Mr Burt - Our Principle called out my name and Losehina Sitting next to me was like " That's you " and I am Like " Ohhhh? " So I went to get my Caught Being Good Certificate from 1 of the prefects and standed up on the stage . If you are wondering what are PREFECT'S ?????....... At my School we have Year 8 Prefects that make the Theme For Assembly for the Week . Once our School Assembly had finished all the Girls and Boys who had got a Caught Being Good Certificate had to come to the Library . I picked my Book and it was called EARTHQUAKE ! . I think its based on a Ture Story and I can't wait to read my new book I got today !!! . I would Like to thank you to Mrs Scanlan - My Amazing Maths Teacher for Giving me a Caught Being Good Certificate .... My Certificate said `For Making HUGE PROGRESS IN MATHS THIS YEAR KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK .
Task Description ! - Today I wanted to Write about what I had got Today . Thank you everyone for cheeking out my blog and commenting on it and if you like . Enjoy My Writing I wrote ! .
Click the Pictures to have a better Look at it !
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